SnaccPop Studios
By clicking the “Continue” button below, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old and wish to view adult content that contains sexually explicit images and dialogue.We ask that all minors please exit this page immediately.
Home of
AphroDesia and Sunny Day Jack
SnaccPop Studios is a sex-positive 18+ adult space for erotic or mature-themed content, aimed at adults and working heavily with voice actors, artists, and writers. We currently have two projects in active development at this time: AphroDesia and Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack.AphroDesia is an ongoing 18+ audio drama, for consenting and infatuated adults only.Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack is an in-development 18+ psychological horror game containing violence, gore, blood, sexual themes and content, and themes of emotional manipulation/isolation.
Please click on the logos below to learn more about each project.
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Fallen cherubs, aphrodesiac, and gunsmoke. At AphroDesia, there's more than enough to go around.
Find episodes of AphroDesia at the links below!
Want to support AphroDesia? Become a Patron or send us a Ko-Fi! Stay up to date with our Twitter as well.

Rooming with an 80s children's TV show host? It's more likely than you'd think. He's sweet. He's kind. And he's more than attentive. It's intoxicating.Something isn't right. It can't be, can it?
Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack is a mature horror eroge about navigating your relationships and investigating the truth behind the ghost(?) of the titular Sunny Day Jack, who's been haunting you ever since one fateful day... Everything about him is perfect, maybe too perfect. Will you fall in love with Jack, or can you resist the temptation?This visual novel contains both sexual content and story elements that may be considered disturbing to some players, and thus is not intended for minors. Examples of disturbing subject matter in the story include, but are not limited to: unreality, murder, emotional manipulation, domestic abuse, (entertainment) industry abuse.Visit the main site below for more information.
Find Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack around the web!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: There's a single Patreon for the whole studio. What tier do I sign up for to get updates on a specific project?
A: Each Patreon tier will show which project it gives updates on. There is also a combination tier that allows patrons to see posts in all categories.Q: There's a lot of posts in this project's Twitter tags with fun content. What's actually canon?
A: Only content that is posted or retweeted on the official accounts is considered canon, even if it is posted on the personal accounts of staff members.Q: Can I make and sell merchandise based on designs from SnaccPop Studios IPs?
A: Yes, you can! As long as you do not claim ownership of any official characters, you can distribute your fan-made merchandise as you please.